Decolonizing Voluntourism in Mexico

  • Mayela Reyes Puente
Keywords: voluntourism, intrenational development, volunteers, service-learning, charity, solidarity, higher education, employability, power relations, community development, service, cultural disadvantage, rural communities, social justice, multiculturalism, margi


Voluntourism has been a hot topic in the development sector for the last years. After a boom in people trying out “hands-on” experiences in “third world” countries, it seems that it is the sexiest option for young people to improve their student experience and achieve “world citizen” credentials. In this submission, more than simply adding another critical voice against voluntourism and the international programs that are created to support an unequal structure based on  “white saviours”, I want to share my experience in the field as the international volunteer programs coordinator in University of Monterrey (UDEM) in Mexico.
How to Cite
Puente M. R. (1). Decolonizing Voluntourism in Mexico. Breaking Out: Journal of Community, Schools and Social Justice, 2(1). Retrieved from