This is Not a One Way Street
It’s the second week of spring
& the sun’s warmth has brought out
the suburb’s fashionardos
i’m about to walk into a one-way
street in Semaphore
eyes down to avoid the mid-day
glare when my attention is grabbed
by a pair of bright pink sneakers
& a pair of wholesome hairy legs
as i lift my gaze i take in a black leather
skirt & up above its waistband
a protruding hairy belly . . .
the makeshift midriff top is horizontal
stripes in black & white
topped off with a green & black
check lumber jacket
(perhaps another Power fan)
the receding hair is auburn & catches
the sunlight
green eyes strong & direct
hold me as a cigarette is dragged on
can i take a photo i ask
sure he says & turns side on
Anthony’s my name
there is a click no flash—
& without another word
he turns on his heels—
& struts off down Military Road.
Geoff Goodfellow
Anthony of Semaphore Portrait